In April of 2011, Christopher Marengo, Esq. successfully defended a Bronx property owner against a claim for adverse possession from his next-door neighbor (Gonzalez v. M & M Real Estate Management inc., Index No, 16442/07, Bronx Sup. Ct.)
In September of 2010, Robert Sanchez, Esq., Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr., Esq. and Christopher Marengo, Esq. successfully defended three (3) brothers in a Federal civil suit on cross-claims by a fourth defendant, and won an Interpleader action filed by the plaintiff Insurance company, on a matter to determine who were the lawful owners of a decedent’s death benefits. The Bronx Law Associate clients were victorious in Liberty Life insurance Co. v. Bahan,, 09-CV-4715, SDNY.
In July of 2010, Christopher Marengo, Esq. successfully negotiated a $950,000.00 cash settlement for his client’s marital property award on a contested divorce action in Nassau County, (Parties names kept confidential)
In February of 2010, Christopher Marengo, Esq. materially assisted trial counsel in obtaining a $2,6 million dollar arbitration award for a client in a personal injury case stemming from injuries sustained on a construction worksite (Haxha v, Empire City Subway Co., Index No. 7032/05, Bronx Sup. Ct.)
During the week of February 13, 2007, Christopher Marengo, on the eve of trial, negotiated a successful settlement before the Hon. Edward Walker in Bronx Supreme Court on a constructive trust case, wherein the clients (mother and son) received 55% of the net proceeds of the sale of real property from the Defendants (two sons and a former daughter-in-law), even though they were not on title.
During the week of July 24, 2006, Christopher Marengo was victorious in winning a Bronx Civil Supreme Court judgment involving an unrecorded mortgage from 1995. In a case that most experts deemed “unwinnable” as there was nothing in writing to back-up his client’s claim to monetary damages, Mr. Marengo’s tenacity in the three year battle paid off for his clients who collected from the Defendants $130,000.00.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome